Ukrainian Heritage Children’s Program

Korinnya is a Bilingual program for babies, infants and toddlers

and their guardians or caregivers.

Follow us @korinya


Youth Group

Young Adults

Altar Servers

Вівтарна Дружина Запрошуємо дітей (хлопців та дівчат 3-го класу і вище) служити біля вівтаря під час недільної Літургії. Просимо прийти до захристії за 15 хвилин до початку Літургії.

Altar Servers Boys and girls (grades 3 and up) who have completed classes for First Confession & Holy Communion, are welcomed to join the guild of altar servers.

You are welcome to serve at the altar during Sunday Liturgy.

(Only 8 servers max per Liturgy; arrive early.)


 be at church 15 mins. before the start of Liturgy.

 be on your best behaviour.

 dress appropriately.

Training will be provided by the senior servers. The clergy

greatly appreciate your assistance at the Divine Liturgy.

Men’s Club

The St. Joseph’s Men’s Club is a social club of St. Joseph’s Ukrainian Catholic Church.

The objectives of the  club are generally as follows:

1.  To act as a social club;

2.  To arrange social activities for Club members, family members and other members of the Church;

3.  To promote social unity amongst its members and the Church;

4.  To inaugurate and take part in activities for the benefit of the Church and its affiliated organizations and the community other than activities that deal with politics;

5.  To assist any way deemed proper by the Club in the social or public activities of the Church;

6.  To participate in any activity that will reflect credibly on the Church, its clergy, the Laity and the Club;

7.  To engage in fundraising activities to benefit the Church and/or other causes identified by the Club from time to time, but in no way taking the place of official fundraising committee of the Church;

8.  To engage in such other activities to benefit the Club which may from time to time, deem beneficial to its members and the community at large;

9.  To encourage members to join the Church and/or candidates to join the Club.  

Membership is open to members of the church or others and as follows:

1.   Males nineteen (19) years of age or older;

2.   Good Christian and of good character;

3.   Fully completed membership application form.

The club generally meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month from September to June at 7:30 pm in the Cultural Centre.

New members are always welcome. For more information email us at  

St. Joseph's Men's Club Facebook Page