November Food Drive - In conjunction with our annual commemoration of the Great Famine (1932-33) our parish community will hold a food drive in support of local charities that help the needy. Please drop off a few items (dry goods or canned goods) on any Sunday in November.
Листoпад: Збiрка Харчiв - У зв’язку з вiдмiченням Гoлoдoмoру (1932-1933) наша парафіяльна молодь прoведе збiрку для пoтребуючих рoдин нашoï мiсцевoстi. Запрoшуємo усiх принoсити кiлька речей (сухi абo в кoнсервах) в будь-кoтру недiлю листoпада.
- They have been working in the Oakville community for over two decades, providing assistance and support for at-risk youth and lower income families
- They run many educational clubs, summer camps, and after school programs for children and teenagers, as well as support programs for families and adults
- Their Adopt-A-Shelf program is their newest food drive program where clients can choose or focus on specific groupings of items that are needed ( i.e, produce, pastas, canned products)
- We have been asked to collect general non-perishable items as the majority of their stock runs lower in the fall and winter months.